Psalm 120:9-10 (NIV)
He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.
This is not just a description of a loving father, but gives a glimpse of how God treats us, His children. God hates sin but acknowledges our human weaknesses as we try to walk in His will. King David would know this better than anyone else. His anger is but for a moment, and He does not unleash upon us the full reward of our misdeeds. If you have ever been in an environment where you feel a strong sense of judgement and a propagation of fear as a means of control, re-think. God’s love is eternal and a constant in your life. No one and nothing can change that. God uses far more grace and love in leading us back to himself than humans do as we apply God’s law. Know who God is for yourself and what His Will is and no accusation or judgement against you will stand.
Help me O God to be mindful of my ways and to walk in your will forever. Lead me to a place of purity and a clean conscience. In Jesus’ name I pray.
