Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
There is a divinely defined process in place in this scripture. As adopted gentiles who have to be able to approach God, we require an equal measure of confidence just like the promised children of Israel, to go before the King. The clinging on of our guilt and shame must be taken away so that we can fully walk in God’s will. This is made possible by the obtaining of mercy from the father of Grace who will grant willingly. When mercy is granted, our sins will no longer count against us. We will find Grace (The Empowering Ability of God) to help us not only survive the death associated with our sins but to help us find solutions for every need in our lives. Your needs will be provided for through mercy and grace. Walk in confidence, live boldly, and depend on God.
I pray O Holy Spirit, that you empower me with the abilities to approach without fear and timidity the throne of God that I may obtain grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name I pray.
