Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
This verse reminds me of the song “Blessed Assurance” which is more of a testimony. It embodies the promises and assurances given to God’s people. There are times when fear becomes inevitable and we must look somewhere else for protection. Every new day thrusts us into the unknown and we must figure out how to navigate it. A captain behind the wheel is trusted with the skill and knowledge to steer that ship to its destination. Whether lost or afraid, the Lord promises never to forsake us. There are moments when we feel inadequate and need “someone” to lead so we follow. He will be there. It is God’s will that you will totally come to the place of realization believing that he will always be with you. His hands stretch from shore to shore and He is more than able.
I am ready, Lord, to follow and trust in you even when my flesh fails. I will trust and uphold your word at all times. In Jesus Name.
