He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.
“It is done” as said unto John was very similar to “It is finished”, as said by Jesus on the cross. The simple truth is that, everything but the Word of God has a beginning and an end. Nothing lasts forever as our very lives will end at some point unless we are whisked away into heaven. Jesus fought death on the cross and won the battle for our redemption unto salvation. Our sufferings, tears and oppressions were handled by Jesus Christ himself in this revelation and he declared that those thirsty for the spirit of truth will be watered by himself. There would always be a hunger and thirst for God because our knowledge of him will never be enough through a lifetime to fully comprehend His nature. Seek Him diligently and desire His will. You shall find Him.
Fill me O Lord with the scrolls of your word and quench this thirst for you by revealing to me the true riches of your nature. Show me thy will for my life. In Jesus Name.