Revelations 21:5 (NIV)
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Our “re-birth” as Christians is the beginning of our redemption process. The birth and death of Jesus was for the purpose of restoring our broken relationship with God the Father due to sin and giving us a way to escape the wages of death. Life for life and death for death. It was an even trade orchestrated to cover us from conception to translation. Expiration is the natural order of earthly things (everything will pass away) but with God, there’s the assurance of trustworthiness that every dying thing around us (health, marriage, depression, discouragement, etc.) will be made new. Truthfulness breeds trust and God’s evidence of His works is to provide us with the promise of a way, truth, and life through re-birth. Jesus Christ, unified all these for you.
I trust in you O Lord, and your words have never failed me. Please resurrect every dead situation in my life. Give life to anything that’s dying. In Jesus Name.
