2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.
The Holy Spirit plays an integral role in the life of every “born again” Christian and it is nearly impossible to flourish as a Christian without him. This scripture clearly states that the spirit given us by God has no fear:- We can do the impossible, is full of love:- we can defeat hate on every level and with a sound mind:- we can achieve perfect peace and self-discipline. We are equipped for goodness and endless possibilities. Your spirit is the carrier of God’s holy imparted nature so, you must not be afraid but with power and love rise and manifest your true glory.
Holy Spirit of God, help us to realize the potency of your presence in our lives so we can shine, heal the sick, show love to many and walk in ways that will bring us peace. In Jesus name I pray.
