Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know’
There are so many mysteries, secrets and unsearchable things that can only be revealed to those that seek, search or desire to know. God is the source of all the atoms, molecules, things seen and unseen which are necessary for our survival on this earth and beyond. Science is great but doesn’t hold the answers to the truths that exist in our world. We must approach God like a sponge willing to absorb. Call on God anytime and anywhere and he has promised he will answer. You are of his making, a direct offspring of his will and a legitimate successor to his riches. Make the call.
Thank you Lord. You made me special and exalted me with horns of glory, adorned me with wisdom and bathed me in your love. Show me the things I need to know. In Jesus name I pray.
