You Are Set Apart For His Glory. A Worthy Vessel That's You.
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You Are Set Apart For His Glory. A Worthy Vessel That's You.

2 Corinthians 4:7

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.


Jars of clay were used to store treasures back in the day. Paul is making reference with us as jars holding within us the treasures of God and heaven. All we have and will manifest comes from the deposits God has poured into us. You have been molded specifically to carry a special type of grace and mantle and will ultimately become a vessel God would need to use. The power in you surpasses all other powers because it is the power of God himself. Acknowledge God, believe in your might and make declarations to change those situations that beset you. Bless U.


Oh God of heaven, thank you for finding me worthy of your grace and choosing me to become a beacon of your holiness, righteousness, and love. Bless this jar of clay and use me. In Jesus name I pray.

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