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Writer's pictureRalph's Prayer Diary

Yahweh Our True Reflection.

Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.


God made a decision, and decided to make man in his own image and he did. Man was formed with an exactness of the true nature in the photocopy of God. When you stand in a mirror, the image you see should be God’s. A Holy nation, spirit filled, power house, inventor, merciful, kind, loving, prince of peace. That is who you are. You are a god, you can speak a thing into existence and it shall be. You can also declare a thing out of existence and it will be. Love God and believe in yourself, walk in the power and the glory inherited from the image of God.


I behold your presence oh Lord and let my life reflect your true image with power, grace and love. In Jesus name I pray.

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