Matthew 20:34
Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Two blind men asked Jesus for help and he healed them, restoring their sight and they followed Him. When we encounter Jesus we receive more than a physical healing. We receive purpose, a makeover, restoration and a spiritual awakening. The limitations and effects of a visionless human being, is nothing compared to the inability to see with the eyes. The touch of Jesus opens us up to be clothed with a cloak of many colors. May Jesus touch you today and cause a complete restoration of everything broken in your life. I pray for beauty, joy and an experience of gladness. Enjoy a fulfilled life and see all the coloring in your life.
Thank you Lord for the many ways you touch my life. Deliver me from any form of blindness especially that which keeps me in darkness. Let these eyes see your glory and behold your beauty. In Jesus’ Name.
