1 Corinthians 13:13 (KJV)
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
These three elements are necessities for our Christian journey. The Believers’ faith is the one element that eludes the atheistic mind but a key foundation for our belief and makes everything happen. Hope is the driving force dragging our expectations daily towards the will and favor of God. Love is clearly singled out as the greatest of them all. Our redemption (buy back clause) and Salvation (path to heaven) were made possible through love. There is so much healing, restoration, blessings and growth through the practice of love. We have to love and love more because it cures the hate out of our hearts.
As my faith deepens and I become confident of my salvation, let me learn to love and show compassion and kindness to all persons in my life. In Jesus’ Name.
