His Power And Might, Our Fighting Victory Wand.
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His Power And Might, Our Fighting Victory Wand.

Ephesians 6:10 (KJV)

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.


The life of the believer is hunted by the “enemy” 24/7, which places him in the position to defend against the forces of darkness. This scripture is like the final command before the battle begins: This is never a physical battle and in no way designed to be fought by our own strength. Heaven has the armory and arsenals and God has the strength and power to be victorious in this battle. Actually he already defeated that enemy. The strategy for you is to take the lead and remember you have a God who is strong and mighty and is your divine help in time of need. Don’t let “anything” stop you from asking if you have to.


Teach me how to source strength from your word and learn to trust in you. Grant me wisdom and discernment to know the times and the seasons. In Jesus’ Name I pray.

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