John 13:34(NIV)
“A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Jesus taught us beyond the 10 commandments and with regards to this particular subject, he uses himself as the standard to follow. He loved every one unconditionally even those who were going to plot against him. He was fair in his treatment of people, didn’t discriminate, showed compassion, and genuinely cared about people and society. He was found with the rich, poor, prostitutes, thieves, priests, and all kinds of people.This type of love is missing within our relationships today. Jesus knew this was going to happen hence the command. As Christians we must approach the world with open arms and heal it with love.
Help me oh Lord to understand what it means to love and to flee any situation that will compel hate in my heart. Lead me to forgive all those who trespass against me. Amen
