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Writer's pictureRalph's Prayer Diary

God's Strength, Your Anchor. His Face, Your Assurance.

1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV)

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.


God has proven time and again that he is not only capable, but sufficient. We can turn to him in all situations and he will always have a solution for a remedy. Seeking, searching, looking, knocking are the smallest prices we can pay or the least of our roles in this process of reconciliation. Anyone who seeks him diligently will not just find him, but realize he was already waiting. Desiring his continual presence always means you are willing to remain in his will and this is a guarantee that the Lord will be near to heed our call. May his face shine upon you as you flourish.


Father as I seek you, even through my unbelief, let your grace always lead and guide me unto your presence. I will look to you in all things and be clothed with thy strength. In Jesus name I pray.

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