Rev. 7:15b (GNT)
He who sits on the throne will protect them with his presence
We walk in two dimensions of God’s presence. His omnipresence places him everywhere and in everything while his manifest presence is a personal encounter with God. Moses at the burning bush saw the presence of God manifested to him. Sin robs us of our confidence to come boldly before him to worship and fellowship. God’s presence in our midst is like a shining bright light that dispels all evil and darkness, and also protects us from the devourer. He shields you from the fiery darts that fly by day and the flaming arrows by night. You carry his presence everywhere and he is with you always. His promise not yours.
Your presence Oh Lord is heaven to me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. When I think about you, my soul rejoices and I know your protection is always in place like the bars of a castle. Thank you Lord.