Matthew 4:16 (NIV)
the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”
The natural condition of the fallen man is a state of potential darkness. There is an abundance of knowledge in today's world but to not know Christ or live by his teachings is to be alienated from the way, truth, life, and grace. The message and personality of Christ is even more relevant now than anytime in our history:- A sense of direction, upholding the truth and speaking life into every dead situation. The electric bulb provides light to protect us from the evils of the dark and so is Jesus. We know our God and we shall do exploits because every form of darkness is expelled. Flip the switch, walk in the light.
Let your light O Lord shine and dispel any darkness out of my heart. Keep on the right way, cause me to pursue the truth and grant me life. In Jesus Name.