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Your Treasures Are Safe In Heaven. Let's Just Make It There.

Writer's picture: Ralph's Prayer DiaryRalph's Prayer Diary

1 Pet 1: 4 (GNT)

“and so we look forward to possessing the rich blessings that God keeps for his people. He keeps them for you in heaven, where they cannot decay or spoil or fade away.”


Everything we see and touch on earth is matter and can degrade, evaporate and decay. Apart from God’s word, everything will pass away. God is a rewarder of his children and would give us wealth on this earth but our true reward and possessions are stored up in heaven where our inheritance is untouchable.. The devil knows this and is bent on preventing you from your true blessing which is the presence of God. A place which once belonged to him. Let this blessing be your focus because Jesus is in heaven to prepare a place for your triumphant entry which will cause a celebration in heaven. Promise Him you will make it at all cost.


Thank you Lord for your sacrifice, which makes it possible for me to enter His gates with thanksgiving because of the joy of His love. Let my hope never fail and let my salvation be a testament to you. In Jesus’ name.

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