Matthew 19:26 (NLT)
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
There are things within the domain and authority of man. Jesus responded to a comment by Peter on the difficulty of a camel going through the needles’ eye. Man has been given immense power to direct not just his affair, but that of others through the power of intercession. Salvation on the other hand, is by God’s grace and only possible with him. This is not determined by any other man’s actions. It is important to identify what is within your domain of authority so you can look to God for the things that seem impossible. Remember all things are possible to those who believe in the ability and sovereignty of God.
You O Lord are the God of the impossible. When I call on you, you are quick to come to my aid and I am grateful for your word which establishes my strength and gives me access to life. In Jesus Name.
