Isaiah 66:2 (GNT)
I myself created the whole universe! I am pleased with those who are humble and repentant, who fear me and obey me.
God made the earth for man’s comfort and habitation. He doesn’t really need anything materially worldly but his delight however, is the welfare of the soul of man. There’s one group of people God resists, and it is the proud. Please don’t be proud. God wants you to be humble so he can effectively lead you, and not just repented but remorseful. It has to be a continuous process because when we consider the purity and holiness of God, we will always fall short and that is the beginning of repentance. Approach God with boldness not with pride. Stand before him with humility and let His grace abound on your life.
Teach me O Lord to remain humble in your presence. My very nature is sinful yet you smile upon me everyday as the sun rises and you protect me through the night. I am thankful. In Jesus’ Name.